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Spencer Fane Team Serve as Guest Speakers for SMU Class

January 6, 2023

Spencer Fane attorneys Shawn Tuma and Natalie Washington were invited to speak during a Southern Methodist University digital marketing class on December 13.

During the presentation, The Dark Side of Digital Engagement, Shawn provided an in-depth look at how an online presence can impact your data privacy and cybersecurity concerns. He outlined key areas including ownership, intellectual property, reputation management, social media, marketing/branding, and torts and regulatory liability.

Using specific case examples, Shawn also provided best practices for diligence, social media policies, and cyber insurance. For her part, Natalie provided an update on current legal battles in the digital marketing and intellectual property industries and how that coverage will shape the future.

At Spencer Fane, Shawn helps businesses protect their information and protect themselves from their information. He represents a wide range of clients, from small to midsize companies to Fortune 100 companies, across the United States and globally in dealing with cybersecurity, data privacy, data breach and incident response, regulatory compliance, computer fraud-related legal issues, and cyber-related litigation.

Natalie is a trial lawyer who works tirelessly for her clients so they can get back to business. She is known for her relentless pursuit of success, which she achieves by being prepared to defend her clients’ positions from every imaginable angle.