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Mike Patterson Appears as Guest on Founders Guide Post Podcast

December 1, 2022

Spencer Fane attorney Mike Patterson recently spoke with the Founders Guide Post Podcast on important considerations when selling a business on its October 4 episode, Considerations When Selling Your Business.

During his interview, Mike outlined the entire due diligence process that a buyer will take, including whether employees are getting paid market rate; whether the business has any long-term commitments to contractors; and what are the owners’ personal guaranties. He also shared best practices for finding the right professionals to help with a business exit and the role attorneys play in the M&A industry.

At Spencer Fane, Mike helps businesses navigate corporate, compliance, and securities matters. He has extensive experience in domestic and international mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, strategic alliances, equity and debt offerings, foreign direct investment, distribution, agency and licensing matters, and market entry strategies.

Listen to the full episode here.