Spencer Fane attorney Michael Belo recently outlined an amendment to Colorado non-compete and non-solicitation law in an article for the Independent Report, the official publication of the Independent Community Bankers of Colorado (ICBC).
In his article, Banks Should Account for Major Changes in Colorado Non-Compete/Non-Solicitation Law in Hiring Practices, Michael discussed how a recent statutory amendment adds significant limitations to the enforceability of employer non-compete and non-solicitation covenants in Colorado. He noted particular alterations to the law, such as exceptions, notice requirements, and penalties, and also provided recommendations to companies.
“Employers should audit their practices regarding the use of non-compete and non-solicitation provisions to make sure they are acting in compliance with the new Colorado law,” he concluded.
At Spencer Fane, Michael helps employers navigate the complexities of labor and employment law through thoughtful legal guidance, development and refinement of employee handbooks and policies, and skilled representation in litigation when it becomes necessary. He has been recognized as one of the Best Lawyers in America for 2023.
Read the full article here.