Spencer Fane attorneys Vincent Aiello and Adam LaBoda will present a webinar covering the best ways to handle bankruptcy matters in the hospitality/entertainment field.
Topics for their presentation include:
- Present an outline of questions that banks should be asking themselves as they evaluate customers facing distress in this sector
- Emphasize that each participant needs to be evaluated individually based on their prospects to rebound, individual plan, etc.
- Review the requirements for troubled debt restructuring and forbearance agreements
- Draw comparisons between today’s environment and ‘08/‘09 with emphasis on similarities, as well as unique variables
- Speak to the lesson learned that things aren’t fixed overnight and the need to evaluate a customer’s circumstances not only on the short term but also long term chances of viability
Date/Time: May 6, 2021 | 12:00-1:00pm CT
Platform: Virtual
Cost: Free
This presentation is one of a four-part webinar series throughout the month of May covering a variety of bankruptcy topics. To learn more and register, click here.