Spencer Fane attorney Dave Seitter will serve as a featured speaker for the Maximizing Returns on Exits Virtual Conference, a March 25-26 event hosted by Davos in the Desert that will provide crucial exit and succession planning insights to business owners.
During his presentation, What to Expect at (or Near) Close, Dave will join Merit Investment Bank’s Sean Ostrander to discuss strategies for successfully closing sales of companies. The session will cover notifying employees of the impending acquisition, conditions to close, minimizing retrading risks, exclusivity extensions, working capital adjustments, post-closing indemnification payments, and making good adjustments.
At Spencer Fane, Dave’s practice focuses on complex business issues critical to his clients’ transactions and responds rapidly to provide legal counseling in dynamic business situations. As an advisor to business owners, C-suite executives, and high-net-worth individuals, Dave is viewed as a thought leader by bringing innovative approaches and actionable solutions to clients.
Learn more about the conference and register here.