Spencer Fane attorney Dave Seitter was the featured guest on a recent episode of the Overcomers podcast, a show that spotlights guests with insight on overcoming adversity.
In the episode, Dave Seitter chatted with hosts Travis and Cyndy Barnes about his personal story and his book, Quiet Plans – Exciting Results: 47 Trusted Secrets to Big Business Success. His interview provided a deep dive into the nuances of succession planning.
“Unless [the business you want to start] is an inherited business, you probably need to find someone that’s in the business,” Dave said. “Try to mentor off of them and figure out if that is really where you belong or need to be.”
At Spencer Fane, Dave’s practice focuses on complex business issues critical to his clients’ transactions and he responds rapidly to provide legal counseling in dynamic business situations. As an adviser to business owners, C-suite executives, and high-net-worth individuals, Dave is viewed as a thought leader by bringing innovative approaches and actionable solutions to clients.
Listen to Dave’s full podcast episode here.