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Bill Hopkins Shares Benefits of Being a Diverse Lawyer

September 13, 2022

Spencer Fane attorney Bill Hopkins discusses his personal experiences being a diverse professional in the legal industry with the American Bar Association (ABA) as part of the ABA’s video spotlights of previous Champions of Diversity award honorees. Bill was honored with the ABA Health Law Section’s Champion of Diversity and Inclusion Award in 2017.

In his video, Bill shared, “I’ve always chosen to be the person in the room who stands up, speaks up, and voices that diverse opinion whether it’s wanted or not. Because I know that if I don’t, no one will. I also know that good things will come by expressing that opinion. It doesn’t mean it will always be popular or always be wanted, but once you’ve put an opinion like that on the table, of a diverse perspective, they can’t unhear it. It forces the room to adapt and to change and I think there’s huge positives in that.”

At Spencer Fane, Bill helps to protect health care providers and health care companies against the many potential pitfalls in the industry, serving as both an advocate and educator for his clients in administrative law, regulatory defense, compliance, and litigation. He ensures that the legal aspects of health care are covered, so his clients can maintain their focus where it matters most – providing health care.

View Bill’s full ABA video – and each spotlight video – here.