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Ben Shantz Details the Risk Management ‘Toolkit’ for Construction Contractors in the Springfield Business Journal

February 1, 2023

Spencer Fane attorney Ben Shantz recently authored an article published in the Springfield Business Journal about how contractors can mitigate common risks associated with construction projects.

In his article – Opinion: Create a Builder’s Toolkit with Liens, Contracts, Change Orders – Ben details how well-drafted and enforced contracts, change orders, and liens guard contractors against potential costly issues with their projects. He also provides important considerations when utilizing these “tools”, such as keeping thorough documentation of contract compliance.

“Construction projects can be disorganized and hectic, but that does not mean the contracts and documentation for a job should be too,” said Ben. “Consulting with an attorney early in the process can help contractors have peace of mind that they are protected both during and after their work on the project is complete.”

At Spencer Fane, Ben is a trial attorney and counselor who helps his clients focus on growing their businesses. Ben has a reputation for providing practical legal advice that enables clients to make real-time, critical business decisions. He uses his experience in the courtroom to help clients prevent litigation in the first place and best position them when disputes do arise by drafting a wide range of contracts to better protect their interests on the front end.

Read the full article here. Please note, a subscription may be required.