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Anne Sumpter Arney Authors Article on Physician’s Responsibility for Compliance Today

October 21, 2022

Spencer Fane attorney Anne Sumpter Arney shared her thoughts on health care practitioners’ duties to understand and completely comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in an article published by Compliance Today, a members-only monthly publication from the Health Care Compliance Association.

In her article, Understanding a Physician’s Responsibility to Comply with the ADA, Anne examines health care-specific compliance issues for both physicians and facilities, including the myriad federal and state laws and regulations governing everything from medical records to reimbursement. Anne also reviewed the impact of the ever-increasing telemedicine market and various communication barriers between patient and physician on health care compliance.

Anne shared, “In some ways, telemedicine can increase access to care for individuals with a disability, particularly mobility issues; however, telemedicine without accommodations is inaccessible for individuals with visual and other communication-related disabilities. The ADA and the Rehabilitation Act apply to telehealth on the same basis as care provided in the physician’s office. Physicians and their offices who provide telemedicine must use technologies and methods that allow their disabled patients to obtain quality care through their websites.”

At Spencer Fane, Anne advises her health care clients on matters related to business law and transactional issues, as well as assisting them in navigating ever-changing health care laws and regulations. She has more than 30 years of experience working with many Nashville health care companies and medical professionals.