Anthony Torroll

P 702.851.6511 | F 702.938.8648
Spencer Fane attorney Anthony Torroll


Anthony Torroll guides clients through a wide variety of commercial litigation matters with an emphasis on contractual conflicts, carefully aligning clients’ primary objectives with comprehensive strategies for optimal outcomes. In his unwavering commitment to client advocacy, he meticulously explores every avenue to deliver timely and effective legal solutions.

Prior to establishing his current practice, Anthony completed a prestigious internship with a Fortune 500 medical technology company’s in-house counsel, an invaluable opportunity which reinforced his intuitive legal acumen. His skillful application of resources, strong attention to detail, and relentless drive combine to serve clients with a multipronged approach that is both tactical and agile.



  • Arizona State University – Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law (J.D.)
  • San Diego State University (B.A.)

Bar Admissions

  • Nevada