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Tom Dolphin and Scott Sandberg Provide Guidance for Banks During Economic Downturn

June 3, 2020

Spencer Fane attorneys Tom Dolphin and Scott Sandberg both recently published articles in The Colorado Banker on what financial institutions can do to prepare for and endure an economic downturn.

Tom’s article, titled “I’m Baaaack – but I’m Here to Help: Lessons Learned from the Great Recession of 2008,” outlines the steps financial institutions can take now to prepare for an economic decline, potentially worse than the recession in 2008.

In Scott’s article “Preserving Lender Legal Rights in Times of Crisis,” he details the emergency legal action that lenders may need to take with problem and risky loans. “The COVID-19 outbreak’s ripple effects will almost certainly touch all lenders and, in the short term, will significantly heighten lender risk,” Scott explained.