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The World of Coal Ash 2022

May 17, 2022

Spencer Fane attorney Karen D. Olson will present on May 18, 2022, at the World of Coal Ash (WOCA) event hosted by the American Coal Ash Association and the University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy Research. She will also moderate several sessions on groundwater and environmental issues.

During the session “Groundwater/Surface Water Interface – Emerging Regulatory Challenges and New Solutions for the Power Industry,” Karen will co-present with Todd D. DeJournett, Ph.D., P.E. of Geosyntec Consultants, Inc. The discussion will focus on the U.S. Supreme Court decision in County of Maui, Hawaii v. Hawaii Wildlife Fund, and how it could affect regulatory compliance for the power industry.

The presentation will address:

  • The functional equivalent of a direct discharge and the conditions that can lead to this equivalency
  • The tools to evaluate functional equivalency and the effect of natural processes on compliance risks
  • How can treatment technologies help reduce and manage compliance risks

Date/Time: May 16-May 19, 2022 | 7:00am-4:30pm
Platform: In-Person (Northern Kentucky Convention Center – Covington, KY)

To learn more about the event, please click here.