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The Risk of False Claims Act Liability for Recipients of COVID-19 Funding

October 23, 2020

Spencer Fane attorney Sean McKenna recently presented as part of a panel for the Practicing Law Institute (PLI) discussing False Claims Act (FCA) cases amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

In this prerecorded webinar, the panel focuses on anti-fraud statutes that are likely to be implicated by the government’s increased enforcement efforts, providing an overview the issues surrounding the FCA, including:

  • An overview of the FCA and the funds available to health care providers dealing with COVID-19
  • Types of FCA cases that may be brought by the government in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic
  • “False certification” theory of FCA liability, which may be particularly relevant for entities receiving federal funds under the CARES Act and PPP/HCE Act
  • Types of entities and health care plans that may be subject to additional government scrutiny, including nursing homes and Medicare Advantage plans
  • Best practices for entities receiving federal funds to avoid FCA liability

Format: Pre-Recorded Webinar
Program Fee: $129

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