Spencer Fane attorneys Jessica Nelson, Karen Olson, Kimberly Slay, and Randi Winter were featured as the cover story of the November issue of Minnesota Attorney at Law.
The article, Spencer Fane: a Beacon of Excellence, highlights Spencer Fane as a trusted partner in various practice areas, including corporate law, litigation, real estate, and more. The article describes the firm: “A testament to the virtually unparalleled success of this firm is its uninterrupted streak of double-digit percentage growth, which reached an impressive 10 consecutive years in 2022. This feat is a result of the firm’s unwavering commitment to excellence, client service, and innovation.”
In the article, the four female attorneys discussed everything from the flexibility the firm allows, particularly in how they have grown their individual practices, and the ability to use their personal marketing budgets at their discretion, to the deliberate focus on diversity and how they can recruit people to join the firm who will contribute to that priority.
“Diversity can cover a wide range,” says Olson, “as far as gender, race, even how someone may have grown up, whether they were rural or city, poverty, or wealth. For our firm, we welcome the variety because it brings so many different perspectives.”
“First and foremost, it’s a very collegial culture,” says Nelson. “One of the things our senior partners talk about is the importance of humility, and all the people here are very nice. It’s a positive atmosphere because everyone is kind and respectful of one another. Everyone is always willing to help, and egos don’t play a role at all despite how talented and successful each individual might be.”
“People come first,” adds Winter. “Whether that means respecting the fact that we have lives outside of the office or just being kind and respectful to one another. Of course, when you have a culture like that, all the positive aspects filter down to our clients.”
“For me, I appreciate the freedom to develop my own practice,” adds Slay. “The freedom to market where and how I want to market and retain clients I would like to represent. Management trusts us to make smart decisions regarding client intake. I also enjoy working with attorneys in our 23 offices. My colleagues are smart, excellent attorneys, and humble. It was clear to me that these were the types of people I would want to work with every day.”
Read the full Attorney at Law feature here.