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Shawn Tuma Provides Insight on Potential National Privacy Legislation

July 1, 2019

Spencer Fane attorney Shawn Tuma was recently interviewed for an article in SUNNY 99.1 explaining the Deceptive Experiences to Online User Reduction Act (DETOUR Act).

Titled “Senate Is Considering Online Privacy Regulations,” the article outlines how the DETOUR Act would make it illegal “to design, modify or manipulate a user interface with the purpose or substantial effect of obscuring, subverting or impairing user autonomy, decision-making or choice to obtain consent or user data,” and how this could affect corporations and consumers in the future.

“This is the tip of the iceberg,” Shawn explained in the article. “We’ve been trying for many years now to get federal privacy legislation. It’s just hard to agree on exactly what’s covered, what’s not and how to handle it. The confusion out there with 50 states is pushing it to a point where Congress is going to have to act on this.”

To read the full article, please click here.