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Shawn Tuma Highlights Impact of 2022 Data Breaches in Legaltech News

January 10, 2023

Spencer Fane attorney Shawn Tuma recently spoke with Legaltech News reporter Isha Marathe, discussing a trend that dominated headlines in 2022 – inadvertent data disclosures.

In the article, ‘Data Is the Hot Potato,’ Attorneys Say, as Leaks and Disclosures Soar in 2022, Shawn outlined how this year’s series of unplanned data disclosures alarmed the cyber community and why “attempting to place protections on devices and accounts by setting up endpoint protection, encryption, firewalls, and threat protection is moot for regulators if the data itself is not kept secure.”

Shawn shared, “We can’t really protect everything. We can try, but the odds are pretty good that there are going to be vulnerabilities somewhere. So, we should try to protect the whole data environment, but then use a layered approach by asking: ‘Where is our most sensitive data? What’s our most risky data?’ The data is the risk.”

At Spencer Fane, Shawn helps businesses protect their information and protect themselves from their information. He represents a wide range of clients, from small to midsize companies to Fortune 100 companies, across the United States and globally in dealing with cybersecurity, data privacy, data breach and incident response, regulatory compliance, computer fraud-related legal issues, and cyber-related litigation.

Read the full article here. Please note, a subscription may be required.