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Shawn Tuma Featured on KNXAM On-Demand Podcast

February 28, 2022

Spencer Fane attorney Shawn Tuma was recently featured on KNX News’ podcast to discuss cybersecurity and ransomware attacks.

During the podcast, Shawn focused on how United States officials have warned the public to be on high alert for ransomware attacks following sanctions recently imposed on Russia.

Shawn weighed in this potential rise in cyber attacks and how they are not necessarily targeted toward specific types of entities. He noted that “it may be critical infrastructure, but it may also be your mom and pop businesses down the street that have some vulnerability.”

“These hackers use tools that just scan the Internet for vulnerabilities, and then they attack,” Shawn explained on the podcast. “It is not a precise process. Anybody, any business could get looped up into that.”

To listen to the full podcast, please click here.