Spencer Fane attorney Shawn Tuma served as a featured panelist for the Global Resilience Federation (GRF) Summit on Security & Third-Party Risk in National Harbor, Maryland, on October 27.
During the presentation, Cyber Risk Insurance Trends, Shawn, alongside fellow industry professionals, explored cyber insurance risk management topics such as common misconceptions, organizational readiness enhancement, and safeguards for a rapidly evolving marketplace. Shawn was joined by Jeffrey Shaffer, Stroz Friedberg; Nick Jennings, AON; and Sean Scranton, WTW; GRF’s Mark Orsi moderated the session.
The annual GRF Summit on Security & Third-Party Risk is a two-day, multisector event featuring sessions on cyber, vendor, and supply chain security. This event gathers professionals from industries including finance, energy, law, retail, professional services, and healthcare.
At Spencer Fane, Shawn helps businesses protect their information and protect themselves from their information. He represents a wide range of clients, from small to midsize companies to Fortune 100 companies, across the United States and globally in dealing with cybersecurity, data privacy, data breach and incident response, regulatory compliance, computer fraud-related legal issues, and cyber-related litigation.