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Randi Winter Discusses Employer Concerns Surrounding the Federal COVID-19 Vaccination Mandates

October 19, 2021

Spencer Fane attorney Randi Winter was recently quoted in two articles for Business Insurance covering the Biden Administration’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate and questions employers have about it.

Titled “Employers struggle to digest Biden’s proposed vaccine mandate” and “Employers urged to prepare for shot mandate,” the articles discuss the anticipation businesses have as they await more details of the vaccination requirement, which will be published soon by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration in an Emergency Temporary Standard.

Randi weighed in on some of those questions, noting, “When? What are the parameters? There are a lot of big picture concerns.” She explained some of those concerns, including weekly testing and additional administrative-related costs, proof of vaccination requirements, and tracking of potential booster shots.

To read the full articles, please click here.