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Peg Donahue Hall Provides Insights on Emojis in Business

October 4, 2019

Spencer Fane attorney Peg Donahue Hall recently published an article in Law Technology Today on the legal implications of the use of emojis in business communications.

Titled “Much Ado About Emojis,” Peg explains both the positive and negative role emojis can play in business.

“Whether sanctioned or not, emojis are in the workplace, and it is time for business leaders and their counsel to review employee handbooks and other company policies with emoji use in mind,” Peg explains in the article. “It may be that existing handbooks and policies regarding workplace communications are general enough to properly cover emojis, but inclusion of a training session that focuses on the appropriate use and potential misuse of emojis is likely past due.”

To read the full article, please click here.