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James Crumlin Speaks at Empowerment Summit

June 1, 2022

Spencer Fane Bone McAllester attorney James Crumlin recently spoke about diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) at the Empowerment Summit hosted by the Vanderbilt University Student Center for Social Justice and Identity, the Vanderbilt National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, and Hidden Dores.

James spoke to students at his alma mater about social justice topics, including his hopes for DEI within the legal industry and on college campuses and his experiences professionally and as a student. James also discussed the importance of community activism and holistic wellness.

The event theme, “Create. Act. Rest. Empower (C.A.R.E.),” focused on how student activists engage in advocacy and social justice work while incorporating self-care.

To learn more about this event, please click here.