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Jacob Hollars Talks Court Affirmation of CGIA Immunity in the Colorado Real Estate Journal

June 6, 2024

Spencer Fane attorney Jacob Hollars recently authored an article about the overall effect of County of Jefferson v. Stickle, a Colorado Supreme Court case in which the court affirmed the definition of “building” in the Colorado Governmental Immunity Act that was published in the Colorado Real Estate Journal.

In his article, Waiver of CGIA Immunity: What Structures Are a Building, Jacob explains the case outcome where Colorado Supreme Court reiterates its nearly 65-year-old precedent holding that “all stationary structures within Colorado, no matter of what substance they may be constructed, are within the term building, so long as they are designed for use in the position in which they are fixed.”

At the firm, Jacob is a trial and appellate lawyer specializing in real estate, special district, and commercial matters. He represents clients through all phases of litigation in a wide variety of matters in both state and federal courts.

Read the full article here. Please note, a subscription may be required. The same article was also featured in Law Week Colorado.