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Homayoon Rafatijo Authors Three Articles, Published in Three Journals

July 27, 2022

Spencer Fane patent agent (pending state bar admission) Homayoon Rafatijo recently published a chemistry peer-reviewed article and two substantive legal articles.

The first article, Reaction Streams in Overall Gas-Phase Chemical Reactions, focuses on developing computational methods to gain insight into complex chemical processes, such as combustion, that occur in the time evolution of nonlinear dynamical systems comprising a large number of species that are continuously consumed or produced. It was published by Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis in March 2022. With this research, which is a continuation of Homayoon’s previous published articles during his time as an adjunct teaching professor and a researcher, he developed a theoretical and computational method to identify and glean physically meaningful details yielded by molecular dynamics simulations Big Data.

For the second article, Resorbing Patent Law’s Kessler Cat into the General Law of Preclusion, Homayoon collaborated with Dennis Crouch, a University of Missouri associate professor of law, to discuss Kessler, a 1907 Supreme Court decision that Homayoon and Dennis argue should be seen as simply implementing defensive issue preclusion, which was resorbed by the Court’s 1971 decision in Blonder-Tongue. The article was published by the Akron Law Review in April 2022.

The third and final article, States Can Infringe Upon Your Intellectual Property Rights with Impunity in the Era of “New Federalism,” was also co-authored with Dennis Crouch and was published in the July 2022 edition of AIPLA Quarterly Journal, a publication of the American Intellectual Property Law Association (AIPLA). The article criticizes Supreme Court’s decision in Allen v. Cooper, in which the Supreme Court effectively immunized “sovereign” pirates (i.e., state entities) against copyright infringement claims.