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Helen Holden to Provide Employment Law Update at WTW Seminar

February 15, 2023

Spencer Fane attorney Helen Holden will discuss employment law at a WTW seminar February 15 in Tempe, Arizona.

During the in-person session, Employment Law Update and Executive Risk Insurance Trends for 2023, Helen will join WTW’s Greg Gross for a deep dive into their respective topics. Helen will guide attendees through recent employment law changes that affect pregnant and breastfeeding employees, the enforceability of confidentiality clauses in employment agreements, and the use of noncompete agreements. She will also guide employers in navigating compliance with these new rules.

At Spencer Fane, Helen helps businesses understand how successfully navigating the alphabet soup of federal and state employment laws can positively impact company culture. Helen brings over 20 years of experience to her focus on management-side employment law, which is evident in the practical advice and training she provides to management on human resource issues.

Register for the event here.