Spencer Fane attorney Helen Holden has recently earned reappointment as Vice Chair of the DRI Employment and Labor Law Committee. She has held this role since 2022.
DRI is an international civil litigation organization that tirelessly advocates for the valuable role attorneys play in representing businesses and individuals in civil matters. Through its membership, education, and advocacy, DRI seeks to enhance the skills and knowledge of defense attorneys. As Vice Chair, Helen helps advance the growth and prominence of DRI and promotes the organization’s core values: Education, Justice, Balance, Economics, Professionalism, and Diversity.
Earlier this year, Spencer Fane served as a sponsor for the organization’s annual Employment and Labor Law Seminar.
At Spencer Fane, Helen helps businesses understand how successfully navigating the alphabet soup of federal and state employment laws can positively impact company culture. Helen has more than 20 years of experience focusing on management-side employment law. Her clients include companies in diverse industry sectors, such as construction, real estate, manufacturing, technology, health care, distribution, and the retail and service sectors.
Learn more about DRI here.