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Helen Holden Publishes Article With BenefitsPRO on Topic of FFCRA Tax Credits

February 1, 2021

Spencer Fane attorney Helen Holden recently authored an article published with BenefitsPRO explaining that the stimulus bill passed by Congress in December 21, 2020 did not include an extension of the mandatory paid leave benefits provided under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA). The bill does provide the continuation of available tax credits for employers who do provide such leave through March 31, 2021.

She also wrote about updated guidance from the CDC on how to manage employee leave related to COVID: “The CDC still recommends a 14-day quarantine period for individuals who have a direct exposure, although it has recently recognized that some local authorities may recommend shorter quarantine periods,” Helen wrote. “At the same time, the CDC notes that those shorter periods still may carry some risk of transmission.”

To read the full article, click here. Please note a subscription may be required.