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Eric Peterson Explains Receiverships for DailyDAC Readers

March 24, 2023

Spencer Fane attorney Eric Peterson recently co-authored an article for DailyDAC, a resource hub for distressed asset matters, that explained receiverships.

In the article, Application for Receivership, Eric and NMBL Strategies’ Content Manager Jack Hood outline the basics of receivership. They discussed how this particular debt solution is used to protect assets and collateral as well as resolve insolvency matters.

“In the hands of a skilled professional, receiverships can be highly effective at securing and protecting the value of assets of creditors, creating transparency, reducing risk, and efficiently administering property,” Eric and Jack said. “The use of a receiver is dynamic [and] flexible and can be deployed in many evolving situations.”

At Spencer Fane, Eric represents companies in need of financial restructuring, whether through bankruptcy, receivership, or workout negotiations, and he represents banks, investors, creditors, and financial institutions in maximizing recoveries on unpaid debt. He helped establish the Commercial Receivers Association last year and continues to be instrumental in its rapid growth.

Read the full article here.