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A.J. Ferate Explains Complexities of Fossil Ownership Case

March 12, 2020

Spencer Fane attorney A.J. Ferate recently provided insight into the case Murray v. BEJ Minerals, LLC. Unique in its nature, the case involves a dispute over mineral rights, specifically the ownership of invaluable dinosaur fossils.

In a video for The Federalist Society, A.J. explains “This case can have several implications for how we look at property rights in the future. One of them will be that we have a fresh new perspective on how we look at what is a mineral and what is not.”

Additionally, A.J. recently published an article in Law360, outlining the impact the Murray decision could have on the oil and gas industry as a whole. A.J. explained that the decision could affect custody, royalties and ownership of collected minerals.

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